Monday, July 26, 2010

POP - 23/7/10

Dear Cadets,

As you may know, last Friday was our Sec 4s POP. They stepped down on that very day so as to focus more on their GCE 'O' and 'N' Levels. It has been an honor being led by Charlie Squad 2007. Do appreciate their hard work in making you guys who you are now. Last Friday also marks the swearing in of our Sec 1s into this Unit and the stepping in of the Sec 3s in which they'll fill up the leadership roles left vacant after our beloved Sec 4s pass out. Lets hope us Sec 3s will lead the unit as good as the Sec 4s or if even possible, better than them. I've already uploaded the photos of the POP on Facebook so feel free to check up on it. Do wish your Sec 4s luck for their upcoming national exams ! 

-SGT Adam .. =D

Ohh... ya this is the photo that we take for the POP parade...http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=70820&id=1379247812

CLT Amenuddin

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